Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Due Date!

Well, we've made it to our due-date...and no baby yet! The end IS in sight though; we are scheduled to be induced on Thursday! There's nothing left to do to prepare...the hospital bag has been packed for a month, the car seat has been installed, all of Norah's clothes are washed and put away, plenty of diapers and wipes...we've just been waiting on her arrival! And physically speaking, I am MORE than ready! My belly is so big and heavy, my back is so sore, the heartburn is unbelievable, and my belly rash (although looking better on my belly) has spread to my arms and legs! I'm so over it! Let's get this show on the road! Daniel's project manager has offered to watch Wrigley for a few days, which is so great! Daniel doesn't want to leave the hospital once we've gotten there to come back and let the dog out (so sweet, doesn't want to leave me alone!). They have a yellow lab named Arthur, and the two have gone swimming together before and gotten along really well. Arthur should wear Wriggles out a bit, which is a good thing! We'll take him there Wednesday night...not sure yet when we'll be picking him up! Our next post should include lots of pictures! Stay tuned!!!

...and I haven't forgotten...HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!! (Grandpa Jimmy!!!) We love you!!!

Saturday, January 26, 2013


No phone call from the doctor's office...so I'm assuming no news is good news! That's usually how they've treated my lab work in the past. We've been so lucky to have had such a healthy normal pregnancy! My belly "rash" (or whatever the heck it is!), although still itching like crazy, is clearing up! Thank goodness! Next appointment is Thursday...hope Norah makes her appearance before then! We are ready ready ready!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

39 Weeks, 2 Days

Well, we've almost made it! And I've got to be honest, this is the longest part of it all! You'd think that working 12-hour shifts constantly moving on my feet would put me into labor, or at least cause some cervical changes, but no, not me! I'm STILL 1cm and 50% effaced...haven't changed in a month! Speaking of 12-hour shifts, last night was my last one! It feels very strange, and I almost feel guilty since Norah is showing no signs of arrival any time soon. But by the end of the night I am so sore and miserable, Daniel wont let me go back!! Also, about 5 days ago (or so) my belly erupted in what I thought was just horrendous stretch marks! They are red, raised, incredibly itchy and painful! I really didn't think too much about it, just kept applying lotion and ice packs...but as it turns out it could be a sign of intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP). Just a fancy way of saying that these lovely pregnancy hormones may be affecting my liver and gallbladder, causing a build-up of bile acids in my system. I'm going in tomorrow for some fasting lab work, and if it comes back positive I'll have to be induced tomorrow or Saturday. It could potentially be unsafe for the baby...so better out than in! If all is well, I'll just keep doing what I'm doing...WAITING!!! We will keep you posted!

Just had to show this picture of an outfit from a lady at work! Cutest little thing! I have some really sweet co-workers...I've received outfits, gift cards, toys, diapers and wipes, and monetary donations! And of course, had to add a belly-shot...its out of control!! Too heavy to cart around the ICU!!

Monday, January 14, 2013

38 weeks!

We had our 38-week appointment this morning and all is well! Baby's heart rate is normal, and I'm measuring one week ahead. Still no more cervical changes...1cm and 50% effaced for the past several weeks! She's always moving around like crazy, I have a million Braxton Hicks contractions a day, and she is definitely riding low! I'm still working full time...just finished two of the hardest 12hr shifts I've had in a long while! Our doctor asked if I'm interested in an induction, which we could do as early as next week. I'm hoping this process happens naturally so we don't have to go that route! That's all we know for now...just ready and waiting for Norah!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Baby Shower

Our Baby Shower took place November 18 at the Lake Press Club on Lake Springfield. Friends and family from both sides came to help us celebrate the upcoming arrival of our baby girl! We were so glad to have gotten a whole week off from work to come home and see everyone. November 18th was a beautiful sunny day; we couldn't have asked for a better time! Great food, drinks and great company!