Friday, April 26, 2013

12 weeks old!

One more week home with my little gal, then its back to working weekend nights next weekend! I'm not exactly looking forward to it, even if it does get me out of the house and talking to adults! Norah is doing just fine! She's getting more focused by the day. Now, she will watch what our mouths are doing and she tries to imitate it! We captured a little bit of it on video!! 

 Well, last weekend we did make it up to Mt. Charleston. It wasn't as neat of an experience as I was expecting, but oh well! We got Norah all bundled up since the temp was in the 50's (yeah, thats cold for us! Especially if there's wind!)

Norah slept the ENTIRE way...

The trails were far too rugged to tackle with a stroller, so we ended up just driving around to look at the sites, and had lunch at a lodge. It was pretty good, and they were preparing for a wedding there. Nice cool and sunny day to get married on a mountain!
Doesn't exactly seem like Vegas, does it!?

Norah is SUCH a ham in the mornings! Always full of smiles, noises and the funniest faces! I know I'm laughing...but we're still waiting on a laugh from her!!!

That's my girl! I look at the dog like that a lot too!!
 And here's the face I get after imitating the dog...

Well that about wraps up this week! We don't have any plans for our last weekend together, and I kinda like it! We are waiting on Deacon Steve to call so we can set up a baptism appointment! I'll spread the word as soon as we hear. Such a process! Here's one last picture...sporting her shades again! They are still pretty big, but once we got them to stay in place she wore them almost the whole walk! Doesn't mind them one bit!

Friday, April 19, 2013

11 weeks old!

Princess Norah is 11 weeks old already! Where does the time go!? This past week, she really discovered the dog and her hands! You can totally see her tracking Wrigley, and she will look for him when he barks. She's been putting her hands in her mouth for a couple weeks now, but now she looks at her hands in amazement. She will move her fingers and look shocked! It is amazing to watch a new little life discover things for the first time! She still hates tummy time, though! We practice every day, but she gets so frustrated and makes a scene! She's getting stronger though, and has almost rolled over a couple times. She's still full of smiles for mommy and daddy, and we cant get enough of them!!! I've really slacked on my picture-taking duties this week! It's been so chilly and windy that we've not spent our regular time outside! We got home from a walk earlier in the week and Norah's little face had black dust all over it! The wind just whips all the dust and gravel around, and I hate having to shield my eyes while simultaneously covering the baby when a big gust hits! Sooo we've had quite the lazy week indoors! 

My two favorite people in the whole wide world!

Cant get enough of those cheeks!!!

This weekend we are planning a trip up to Mt. Charleston. It is about a 35-45 minute drive, and it's full of picnic and camping sites, trails and horseback riding, and lodges and resorts. There's still skiing going on there, too! It is generally at least 30 degrees cooler there than Las Vegas temps...this weekend is going to be upper 50's lower 60' Norah will probably wear a hat for the first time since coming home from the hospital! We will probably just walk around and check out the sites, then grab lunch at one of the restaurants at the resorts. I'm getting really sad that my time off of work is quickly dwindling! I go back to night shift May 3. As hard as night shift was before, it's going to be even harder on Friday nights going in on what I'm sure will be NO sleep! But thankfully, I'm able to just work two nights a week, Friday and Saturday. Norah will get quality time with both mommy and daddy every day of the week, and we save on babysitting and daycare fees...for now! This is just our temporary schedule for the remainder of our time here in Vegas...or as long as I can stand it!!

Still too little to fully appreciate the awesomeness of this bouncer...
 (sneaky eyes!)

Loooves watching daddy play the guitar!

We might sport these shades at Mt. Charleston this weekend!

Friday, April 12, 2013

10 weeks old!

Our sweet baby girl is growing so fast! Only two more weeks until I have to go back to work, which is so sad! I want to stay home with her for the rest of time! But it'll be good to have a little extra income, if nothing else! Norah has slept 8 hours straight the last two nights! That's so exciting!!! Time to move into her own room! We haven't done it yet since it's at the other end of the house and I don't feel like making that trip in the middle of the night! She's been snoozing in the pack-n-play next to our bed, and it's been working out great! I'll be glad to not wake to every little sound she makes though. And I thought I was a light sleeper BEFORE baby was here! Now it's just awful!

This week my friend Sarah came to visit, and of course she fell in love with little Norah bean! We had a lot of fun!

Norah also went to her first concert last weekend! Daniel's cousin and her husband were in town for the American Country Music Awards, and we were able to catch the Eli Young Band and Dierks Bentley outdoors at the Orlean's Casino! Norah was amazingly well behaved all day/night long! 

Daniel likes to play the guitar for Norah and make noises and faces for her...we caught the evolution of a smile...big grin actually! She coos while grinning...not quite a giggle, but getting close!

And here's one of the two of us. I'm always taking the pictures and never in them!
We cant wait for Daddy to get home tonight! One of our last "family" weekends before I return to work! 

Friday, April 5, 2013

9 weeks old!

Another week gone? Only three more weeks of maternity leave? How sad!!! At least I'll be going back part time...I don't think I could handle any more time away from my little nugget! We had her 2-month check this week, and she's doing awesome! 10 pounds 6 ounces, 21.5 inches, and I cant remember her head circumference but its in the 95th percentile! She got four shots in her little legs, and she did great! It's just business as usual around here...

Her hair is turning red!!!

 Here she is "singing"...

Yes...this is exactly what it looks like...I'll probably be arrested now!!! 
(she's helping me unload the dishwasher!)

look at those baby blues!

Just a day in the life of Princess Norah!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter and Opening Day!

We almost went the whole day without capturing Norah's first Easter! We started the day skyping with the family back home, then went to mass where Norah slept the whole time!

 Daddy's little Cubs fan!!! We need some Cardinals gear STAT!

you see...we aren't so sure about the outfit...