Thursday, May 16, 2013

15 weeks old!

15 weeks old, and so much has happened in a week!!! First, I celebrated my first Mother's Day last Sunday.  I went back through all of the pictures we've taken in this short time, and my how she's grown! I just love that little girl to pieces!!!

from one week old... 3.5 months old!!

Second, Norah got to meet her Uncle Sean and Aunt Meghan! They came to Vegas for a long weekend to celebrate Sean's 30th birthday! Norah is so darn cute she's hard not to love, but I do believe they got to experience her wrath when she was taken out of her routine! Moral of the story...we live in Norah's world, and don't mess with baby!!

Norah has had some week herself! She decided on Sunday that she was going to actually participate in tummy time! She still hates it, so don't get too excited, but at least she's DOING something!
She also decided to roll herself over to her back that day! And THEN on Wednesday she decided she was ready to roll herself from her back onto her belly! It's like she knew how to do it all along, but was just too stubborn! We have our hands full already with this sassy little girl! The rest of the week has been pretty standard. She's growing up before our eyes though! She's really taken a liking to her feet...she holds on to them and pulls on her toes, and tries to get her foot in her mouth. Here she is on her play mat, trying to touch all of the toys simultaneously...and then gets her foot!

 ^^ you can see all her blonde hair coming in here!^^

 ^^deep in conversation with her 'lovey'...cooing and blowing bubbles at it!^^
^^Well, she made it halfway over, then just decided to hang out on her side for a while^^

Work is going well. I'm pretty darn exhausted after my shifts (ok, that's an understatement...), but still cant manage to sleep well. Unfortunately, that's nothing new...five years of night shift and horrid sleep patterns...I must crave the torture. I always tell myself "this is my last night shift job EVER!!!" or "I'm never working in a hospital EVER AGAIN" and I still go back time after time! I think that the folks that work night shift are a special breed, and way more fun to be around, that's for sure! And there's something to be said about being challenged, and forced to think critically...who knows, maybe I'm in it for the long haul! That about wraps up this week in Norah's world!

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