Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Norah is almost two weeks to the day today, and we went back to the doctor! We've had kind of a rough week...Norah has been showing signs of either reflux or colic. I've been emailing our pediatrician back and forth about it, and she decided she wanted to see her today in the office. Good news is, she is gaining weight! We are up to 8lb6oz today! The doc thinks its probably reflux, and we got a prescription for Zantac, so we will try that for a week or so and report back! Other than that, nothing too new around here! Grandpa Jimmy and Grandma Colleen will be here tomorrow! It will be Norah's first set of visitors...and we are all looking forward to their week here! And I'm also looking forward to MAYBE getting a few extra hours of sleep a day!!! That's all to report for now!

 Happy Valentine's Day!

Norah enjoys her swing! As you can see, we try to be prepared for frequent spit-ups...
 and of course...she's a Bears fan already...!

Sweet sleeping baby!!! (This hasn't happened so often this past week!)

(I know her face is cut off, but I love her cheeks and chin! And her little hands and feet!)

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