Friday, February 8, 2013

One Week Old!

Norah is one week old today! Oh what a week it has been. We are still tired, but getting the hang of it I think! Today we started by going to the pediatrician's office for a follow-up on her jaundice situation. She's looking great...and weighed in at 8lbs! She also had another newborn blood screen (standard), and they had to poke her heel and drop some blood on a card to be sent in to the lab. She was upset of course, but once it was all over she went right back to sleep! We will be going back for our one-month check-up in March! We really like our pediatrician; she is very sweet, and we are able to reach her (or covering doctor) day or night...she even gave us her email address. Turns out, I know her husband as well. He is a cardiothoracic surgeon, and I've at least talked to him over the phone (maybe met him face to face...who knows) about a patient or two of mine at work. We came home for our appointment and hustled to get everything ready to take Norah to her big newborn photo shoot! She did amazing! The photographer keeps her studio really warm for baby (like a sauna for us adults), and we started by feeding her and rocking her to sleep. She stayed asleep the whole time, letting the photographer pose her any which way she wanted. There were a couple of shots where we got to hold her, and she peed all over me! No biggie! I cant believe she didn't pee or poop on anything else! The pictures turned out amazing! She gave us a little preview...
Other than that, it's just business as usual around here. Eat, sleep, poop. She's such a good little girl, and makes us laugh all the time with her faces and noises!

She prefers to be bundled up tight! 
Wrigley is doing well, too! Loves his little sis! 

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