Friday, April 12, 2013

10 weeks old!

Our sweet baby girl is growing so fast! Only two more weeks until I have to go back to work, which is so sad! I want to stay home with her for the rest of time! But it'll be good to have a little extra income, if nothing else! Norah has slept 8 hours straight the last two nights! That's so exciting!!! Time to move into her own room! We haven't done it yet since it's at the other end of the house and I don't feel like making that trip in the middle of the night! She's been snoozing in the pack-n-play next to our bed, and it's been working out great! I'll be glad to not wake to every little sound she makes though. And I thought I was a light sleeper BEFORE baby was here! Now it's just awful!

This week my friend Sarah came to visit, and of course she fell in love with little Norah bean! We had a lot of fun!

Norah also went to her first concert last weekend! Daniel's cousin and her husband were in town for the American Country Music Awards, and we were able to catch the Eli Young Band and Dierks Bentley outdoors at the Orlean's Casino! Norah was amazingly well behaved all day/night long! 

Daniel likes to play the guitar for Norah and make noises and faces for her...we caught the evolution of a smile...big grin actually! She coos while grinning...not quite a giggle, but getting close!

And here's one of the two of us. I'm always taking the pictures and never in them!
We cant wait for Daddy to get home tonight! One of our last "family" weekends before I return to work! 

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