Friday, June 14, 2013

19 weeks old!

We survived our first plane trip! It actually wasn't so bad...I over-packed, but oh well! Better safe than sorry. I know I promised lots of pictures, but we hardly took any!!! We started out Friday morning waking Norah at 3am...had to be at the airport at 4am for our early flight. She was in a very pleasant mood, too! Here we are waiting at the airport:

We didn't get any pictures at the rehearsal...or rehearsal dinner...or with the bride or groom...or with us all as a family...but here's one of the two of us after the ceremony! It was a gorgeous day, and the ceremony was in a rose garden at the park...thought I was going to get a sunburn! (big surprise):

The next day we were both SO tired! It had been go go go since 3am Friday morning! I was dreading the trip back home, but Norah was a champ! We barely remembered a picture with grandma and grandpa...!!
We took a few, but grandma refused to let me post any! Here's one of Norah instead while the three of them were out and about! I think they really enjoyed their weekend with the little princess! She was perfectly well behaved :)

Norah must have had a lot of fun and gotten pretty worn out! Here we are on the way back to the airport:
She slept nearly the whole 3 hour flight too! On both descents, her ears got really uncomfortable. She had the saddest little wail with big crocodile tears that just broke my heart! As soon as they popped, it was like nothing ever happened. 

So now we're back to the grind. Monday morning came too early for Daniel, but Norah bounced right back into her old routine! We've found a solution to the increasing-mobility-vs.-hardwood-floors-EVERYWHERE issue...a big foam playmat!
The layout of this house is so weird, and there really isn't much space for all of Norah's things to live, so this mat (like everything else) is right out in the middle of the 'living room'! We put a gate up around it to keep her friendly little puppy dog off of her things, and to keep her from rolling away!! So far so good!

We were given the green light to start feeding Norah rice cereal, then yellow and orange veggies! Is she seriously old enough??? Wow! Our first attempt was so hilarious! She didn't know what to do with her tongue, but she kept grabbing for the spoon and directing it towards her mouth...needless to say, most of it ended up on her face! This is going to take some practice!
Now, when she sees the bowl of cereal she starts salivating and shaking her arms in such excitement! It's so so funny to watch her try to figure this eating thing out! Such a big girl!

This weekend, Norah is getting baptized and we will celebrate Father's Day! Even though its just us, we're still having a scrumptious cake and bellini's and gifts to celebrate the baptism! I don't want her growing up thinking nobody cared, even though she wont remember!! And this time, we will REALLY try to get a lot of pictures! And then it's on to our Father's Day celebration...not sure what that will entail...guess it's up to the dad!!
Grandma JoAnn and Great-Grandma Erma arrive next week! We are so excited! I think I'll put them straight to work!!...straight to work playing with Norah, that is, so I can get some serious organizing done around here! It's stressin me out!!!

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