Thursday, June 6, 2013

18 weeks old!

I'm posting a day early because we leave for Kansas City early tomorrow morning! One of Daniel's friends from college is getting married and Daniel is a groomsman. We are very much looking forward to the weekend! Grandpa Jimmy and Grandma Colleen are meeting us there to watch Norah so we can have a good time! This will also be our first plane ride with the little one...I've packed everything (plus more!) that we could need (in a very organized fashion, I might add!) it should go off without a hitch!

This week we had Norah's four-month check-up. She behaved SO well and for SUCH a long period of time...I was shocked! We went smack in the middle of her morning nap time so I figured she'd be a handful, but she was so perfectly behaved! She's weighing in at 13 pounds 2 ounces, and measures 24 inches (birth weight 7 pounds 9 ounces, and 19.5 inches). She's right around the 50th percentile now for both height and weight. At two months she was below the curve for height...big surprise! She got four shots in her little legs, screamed for just a minute, then was all grins for the nurse right afterwards! What a joker! This time she ran a low-grade temp until the next morning (99.3-100.1) but you'd never know it. Just as pleasant as ever!
(battle wounds!!)

Nothing else too exciting happened this week that I can remember! But before I forget AGAIN, we want to share that Norah will be baptized at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church on Sunday, June 16th at 1:45pm! Sorry, we've known for quite a while, but I keep forgetting to pass the info along! Daniel's co-worker Jennifer will be our "stand-in" for godmother (as we have no one here!!!), and she's more than happy and excited to do it! Norah's godmother (in real life!) will be Meghan McLaughlan and her godfather will be Henry Lutz. Next week I hope to have good pictures of the weekend to post!

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