Friday, May 31, 2013

17 weeks old!!!

I'm FOUR months old (one day early)!!! And boy what a month is has been! Norah has moved up a size in diapers, and we've packed away all of her 0-3 month sized clothes! She rolls all over the place...from her back to her belly and back again! She likes being on her tummy now, probably because it's on her own terms, and she's the one who put herself there! Such a stubborn little girl! She seriously wont sit still. She is the squirmiest little thing in the world! You can tell she's just dying to crawl and move around! She is also LOUD now! So very vocal! It is hilarious! Everything goes in her mouth now too...hands, toys, blankies and burp cloths, mom and dad, and she tries for her feet! She likes to hold onto her bottle now (with assistance of course), and has even picked up her pacie and tried to get it in her mouth...kept hitting her upper lip instead! Not sure if she knew exactly what she was doing, or if she was just trying to put SOMETHING in her mouth! Either way, I was pretty impressed at the time! We still have a very decent routine running, which includes a nice 2-hour morning nap...which sometimes means mommy gets a nap too! Thank goodness...even if its only an hour, it makes all the difference and helps me catch up a tiny bit from the weekends! Dad enjoys his quality time with Norah on the weekends, but doesn't take advantage of the nap time like I do!

^^This was the hardest month to capture so far. She is SO squirmy and wants to look at anything else but the camera! She always has her hands in her mouth too, making it impossible to see her face!!^^
^^Right after her morning nap, and BEFORE her bottle...hehehe^^

Uncle Henry came to visit! We had a really nice time together, and Norah really loved her uncle! Lots and lots of grins and squeals for him! He requested that she sport some Cardinal's gear...that didn't make daddy too happy...
^^and this is apparently where quality time with Uncle Hank get us...^^

We also got to take Norah swimming for the first time while Uncle Hank was here! She loved it! We just bounced around in the water, and she lasted over an hour! She got pretty pruney and I figured it was time to take a break. She fell asleep for a quick minute after that, then let us all know that it was time to go home!! So bossy :)

We had our first "play-date" this week with a one-year-old little girl...which means Norah just sat around and we watched Lili play! Lili kept wanting to play with all of Norah's things...pacie, bottle, was so cute! Whenever Norah cried Lili got sad and started to fuss too. Hopefully we can do it again soon! We were also able to meet daddy for lunch and have a picnic at a park near his job site! It was gorgeous in the shade...Norah had plenty to look at and was very content the entire time! Daddy made the mistake of feeding ONE bird near us...and instantly we had 30 birds stalking us! Gross. Time to head out!!! I think Sunday after my shifts and a nap we will head back to the pool...considering it will be over 100 degrees!!! Gross again! That's all we know for now!

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