Friday, May 3, 2013

13 weeks old!

Well, the time has come. I'm going back to work tonight! I couldn't stay away forever, but this time home with my peanut has gone by way too quickly!!! I'm glad that I have all week with her...I can do anything for two nights a week! I'm also glad that daddy will get quality time with Norah that he misses during the week...and we'll be saving on a babysitter or daycare, at least while we're here in Vegas!

Our little baby is 3 months old!!! And boy, does she have quite the personality! It's amazing how she's definitely her own little person already. There certainly hasn't been enough time for her to learn to act like either one of us, but I'm pretty sure she already has my attitude!! I don't want her to grow up too fast, but I can't wait for her to start talking because she sure will have LOTS to say! We're in trouble :) At three months old, Norah is full of smiles, coos, funny faces, songs and dances! Still waiting on that "official" laugh, though!!! We estimate she weighs about 12 pounds (by our bathroom scale!); we wont know for sure until her four-month appointment in June. She's definitely more focused, looks a lot at her hands, and always has them in her mouth 'discovering' them! She plays a little with her toys, and can hold on to them for a little bit. At night, she sleeps for 7 hours, eats, then goes right back to sleep for 3-4 more hours. She's nailed down a solid morning nap too...and we're hoping her afternoon cat-naps turn into one solid nap one day! She has really good head and neck control, but you'd never know it if you watched tummy-time! Three months later and she STILL hates it! She just lies there and screams and cries like it is the worst possible thing to ever happen to her in her little life! Maybe we'll have better luck in month 4! She brings us so much happiness and joy...she's just the best!!!
(^^singing loudly here!!)
(^^trying to climb out of her Bumbo!)
(^^this dog couldn't care less!!)

And we cannot forget the fourth member of our little he is excited about our walk!!

Disclaimer: I don't know if we'll be having our weekly posts on Friday's anymore given my new schedule (it was my Friday task, and now I'll try to nap instead!!)...I'll try to keep up the best I can!!!

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