Friday, May 10, 2013

14 weeks old!

I survived my first weekend back at work last weekend. It was definitely slow-going at first: getting used to charting again (on the worst charting system on earth, by the way!), re-learning codes to get into cabinets and doors, and re-learning where everything is in the stock rooms! It was very exhausting...I didn't nap like usual before my Friday night shift, and I only ended up sleeping 4 hours total on Saturday! We sort of "celebrated" my birthday on Sunday, which consisted of me in my pajamas on the couch, a pizza and my little family! I baked my own birthday cake! It was a weight-watchers recipe I found on Pinterest...I think next time I'll stick to the calorie-filled cupcakes...

Here we are before I left for work last Friday...
And Norah with daddy on Saturday while I slept!

We've had a pretty uneventful week. I'm back in night-shift mode...which means the insomnia has returned! I'm too tired to sleep, if that makes sense. There's no time to recover now with the little one to take care of! And I'm another year older...not 29 like I thought for a few days, just 28! Old age setting in!!! Just a few shots from the week...

Norah and Daddy watching the Stanley Cup playoffs! Ohhh boy...

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