Thursday, July 11, 2013


Due to the fact that I have wasted more of my life trying to unsuccessfully download videos to this site than I care to admit, I will no longer be posting to it! Our new blog address is:

NOTICE it is very similar!! Be careful :)

I'm still playing around with it and learning how to use it, but so far so good! There are three videos to watch on this week's post...all you have to is over your mouse over the link so it highlights, then click! You'll see once you get there...

Good luck...happy blogging :)

23 weeks!

Our little girl is growing up so fast. 23 weeks have already passed. Seems like just yesterday she was sleeping in her bouncy by the couch because I was still to sore to climb into bed!! She has a new trick almost every single day. She now picks up her pacie and puts it back in her mouth, even in the middle of the night! And I swear she can wave! We always say "wave to Wrigley" and show her how to wave, and 'wave' is one of our words we are learning, so maybe she's actually doing it on purpose! She even tries to feed herself, and does an OK job of it, too! Such a big girl already.

This week we transitioned to "real" food. I made a little bit of peas and butternut squash.
She was so excited that it was dinner time!
First bite...what do we think??
Uh oh...this isn't rice cereal!!!
Oh well...I'm ready for more!
And some more...
But now I insist on feeding myself!!!
She's so awesome.

That was pretty much the highlight of the week for us! Other than the mountain out back being on fire!
We have ash raining down from the sky!

Uncle Mike will be here Saturday! Hopefully lots of good pics to follow. We had some amazing little videos to share, but this website is being an ENORMOUS pain and not allowing me to post any!!! So I'll be shopping around for a new blog site...I'll let you know if it changes!!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

5 months old!

Can you believe I'm 5 months old already? Mommy and Daddy keep telling me to slow's going so fast! I've decided that rolling over is SO last month...I've moved on to standing! I pretty much insist on being stood up at all times so I can practice my jumping and dancing...but I still don't dig being in my jumperoos. Go figure! Mom always says I'm killing her arms! And if mom and dad thought I liked making high-pitched screeches before, they're in for it now! I love exercising my vocal cords in the most ear-piercing ways possible! I'm certain that everything I come across must pass my taste-test. Everything from my fingers, toes, toys, mom's hair, dad's beard, must go in my mouth! I think Wrigley is my very first best friend (besides mommy and daddy of course!). He makes me smile all the time, although I don't know why! He's always just lying around...but he comes around to sniff me every once in a while. I try to pet him when he comes close, but I'm usually not quick enough! I could watch him for hours! Mom says I'm getting so good at eating! We still just dine on rice cereal, but I love it! I've got control of my tongue now, and I can swallow more of it that I spit out! I've heard that I can start trying some veggies soon! I also try to "help" mom and dad feed me bottles, and try to suck my thumb at the same time! Mom says I cant do both at once, but I'll keep trying...and trying and trying...Here's some 5-month pics of me!

Norah had some surprise visitors this week! Her Great-Aunt Nancy and Great-Uncle Bob stopped by to meet her on their way home from California. It's always nice to see family!!! And speaking of family, our next visitor is Norah's uncle Mike! He'll be here July 13 for a few days. Then Norah will have met all of her uncles! 

Here is Wrigley trying to give Norah his disgusting chewed-up toy to play sweet. Once he dropped it over the gate he realized he made a bad decision and wanted it back!!

And Happy 4th of July! It was way to hot to do anything about it here! Bummer!