Friday, March 15, 2013

I'm six weeks old!

Another week has passed, and I'm halfway through my maternity leave! How sad! I'm officially going back May 3rd and just working part time, Friday and Saturday nights. We shall see how long that lasts! We switched Norah's bottles after we went in for her one-month check, and they are doing wonders! She is much more content...most of the time! She's more predictable too, which is good! Lots of smiles, and lots of alert time! I cant believe how much she's changed in just six weeks, she's so darn cute! She's starting to coo a lot now, and she's discovered this high-pitched squeal that's just's her "I'm faking it...but I just want attention now" noise! The weather this past week has been absolutely gorgeous! Sunny and 80's! We've been going to the park and of course I've been sunburned! I wonder if Norah will have my pale and freckly skin, or her dad's easily-tanned skin...Lots of pictures this week!

Cruising around the park!

Always smiles in her sleep...wonder what she's dreaming about!?

And of course we cannot forget...Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Haha someone's had enough...

Two more weeks till our next set of visitors now! And now it's time for a feeding, then off to meet daddy for lunch! It's going to hit 90 degrees today...don't know if we'll make it to the park...yesterday (88 degrees) was borderline for the little nugget. We have to keep her car seat covered so she wont burn of course, but then I feel like she bakes in there! She wasn't even hot, but I worry...

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