Monday, February 4, 2013

1/31/13...40weeks 2days

We woke up early Thursday, January 31st to get to the hospital to have Norah! I started contracting the night before, so I was hoping that would speed up the induction process...boy was I wrong! Although I was having regular contractions, no cervical change was being made. We began the induction process with cervadil, which we were told would be in place for about 12 hours. It really intensified my contractions, but of course, no dilation! We proceeded to pitocin, which made those darn contractions nearly unbearable! And again, no real cervical change! By this point, the night shift nurse was on, and she was awesome! She anticipated all of our needs and made me as comfortable as she could...which was a hard job to handle! The doctor said I could have an epidural once I got to 3cm, but about 12 hours into the induction and I was still only 2cm! The nurse told a little white lie to get me the epidural sooner...I liked the way she worked! That really helped speed up the process (well, sorta) allowed me to relax and not tense up with every contraction...and we FINALLY got the show on the road! Daniel got a few hours of, not so much! But we made it through the night to Norah's birthday!

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