Monday, February 4, 2013

2/1/13...Happy Birthday Norah!

I will spare you all the details, but 27 hours later and after 2 1/2 hours of pushing...Norah finally arrived!!! Our beautiful baby girl was born at 12:18pm, weighed in at 7lb9oz, and was 19.5 inches long! She was having a little difficulty coughing out all the goo, so instead of spending time on my chest, they took her to the warmer for some close attention. They had to stick a little tube down her nose to suction her lungs three times, and tap on her back for a while to get her to cough it all out. That sure did the trick because she had a kung-fu grip on that tubing!
Daniel got to go watch the whole process, and I couldn't see anything! I asked Daniel what she looked like, and he said "Well, have you seen Men in Black?" Joking of course...but the room got a laugh out of it! She sure was a cutie pie from the beginning!

Finally, after being given the "all-clear", I was able to hold my little peanut against my chest for a little while before they took her to the nursery for her assessment and shots. We got a couple family shots before they snatched her up!
They transferred me to the post-partum unit at about 3pm that afternoon. We spent the rest of the day/night trying to feed and change on ANY form of a schedule, holding and cuddling and taking lots of pictures! Daniel was amazing and really stepped up to the plate. I was so sore and my upper legs stayed numb for so long, that I couldn't move myself out of the bed to do ANYTHING! I think he changed every single diaper that first day and night, and did an awesome job I might add! You would think he'd been taking care of babies for years! Mom and baby's vitals were perfect all night...and we planned on leaving the next day! 

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