Tuesday, February 5, 2013

2/5/13...first doctors visit

We took Norah to the doctor's office this morning to get checked out! We all passed our inspections! She weighed in at 7lb10oz (gained one ounce since birth), and measured 20in long (19.5in at birth). The doctor said she looked more yellow to her, but still wasn't overly concerned. Apparently jaundice peaks at days 4-5, and since she looked so good otherwise, said we just have to go back Friday for another look. She didn't even re-draw any blood to check levels. Norah did so well! Hardly made a fuss when we had to strip her naked...everyone was commenting on how cute she was, saying babies this young usually still look like aliens! She also does well on car rides! That's all we know for now...more updates later!
Next couple are before our first walk outside! Check out Norah's attitude already...flipping off Daddy! 

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