Monday, February 4, 2013

2/2/13--2/3/13...extra hospital day, and homecoming day!

Made it through the first night, no unexpected complications, and were hoping to go home on 2/2! We got word, however, that due to my lengthy labor and my water being broken for so long, that they wanted to keep baby one more night to monitor for signs of infection. It's a good thing we stayed though, because we ran into breastfeeding complications! The nurses had a lot of good tips, and said Norah was doing everything right...but I guess it doesn't happen overnight! She was very upset and clearly starving...and Daniel and I were SOOO sleep deprived (I only had cat naps since we got to the hospital, and Daniel couldn't have had more than a few interrupted hours), that the night shift nurse suggested we try giving her a little formula to fill her belly so she could sleep...and so could we! Worked like a charm! I got three solid hours, and Daniel got four! I also started pumping that night to try to increase my supply. Didn't exactly go according to plan either, but we are still working on it! It's hard for me to have a plan and goal in mind and then have nothing go according to that plan!! I'm working on that, also! We made it to the morning of homecoming day, and Norah had her bilirubin test done to assess for jaundice. It was elevated, not quite high enough to require her to stay, but elevated nonetheless. It wasn't too alarming since she is primarily a breastfed baby, but in order for her body to clear the bilirubin, she has to poop and pee regularly. So now we are supplementing with formula to ensure she poops and pees on a regular basis, which as of today (2/4) she finally is! We have a pediatrician appointment in the morning and those levels will be rechecked then. Fingers crossed that they have gone down! Now that we are finally home, we are just trying to go with the flow! Daniel is absolutely wonderful at everything, especially keeping me grounded! We are a very tired but happy little family! And Wrigley is being so great too! We brought one of Norah's swaddling blankets and hats home from the hospital so he could get used to her scent, and he's been curled up on them ever since! He is very sweet and gentle and quiet around her. He seems concerned when she cries...he sits right by her changing table to monitor us while we change her diaper, then goes straight back to his bed! I think they'll be the best of friends!

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